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RE: auto-dep cannot possibly work?

From: Mark Galeck (CW)
Subject: RE: auto-dep cannot possibly work?
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 19:52:03 -0800

Paul, I appreciate greatly your detailed response and I am very grateful that 
you help me in this and other queries.  I am right now wearing my C hat and I 
don't have time to exactly see if and where I might have gone wrong.  Please 
forgive me, I will check tomorrow.  But maybe I can just show you the basic 
example, which does not seem bizarre or should be uncommon at all - seems 
reasonable to me:

(and yes I personally don't think one should have multiple source or include 
files with the same name - it's bad software engineering, but in a situation 
like below, happens).

Compiler line includes:

-I/include -I/include1

Foobar.c has:
#include "foobar0.h"
#include "foobar1.h"

/include/foobar0.h has:
#include "config.h"

/include1/foobar1.h has:
#include "config.h"

And initially, there is only one config.h, namely /include1/config.h

But now a developer decides they want to modify config.h, to make it better 
suited for the directory /include.  So they put a new modified version:  
/include/config.h (and don't do anything else)

If you disagree that this is a reasonable change, not extremely bizarre, and 
that I should be able to handle it with my dependencies, then I will stop 
arguing, I will humbly take your opinion and not spend any more of your very 
valuable time.  Thank you again.  Mark

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