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How to invoke a spell checker ?

From: Seb
Subject: How to invoke a spell checker ?
Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 12:19:30 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (DEB 202 2017-01-01)


Once upon a time, with a 6.xx series Nano, I would invoke a spell checker on an entire file by pressing ^T. I have the following line in ~/.nanorc:
        set speller "aspell -l FR -t -x -c"
(which means "French", "TeX", "no backup", "check a file").

Now if I try to spell check an entire file with Nano 8.0, with ^T^T, I get the following white-on-red error message:
         Program 'aspell' complained

To know more, I tried ^T then inputing
        aspell -l FR -t -x -c
which yields
         Error: You must specify a file name.
Same if I leave only
        aspell -c

If I leave only
        aspell -l FR -t -x
I get
        Error: You must specify an action

I have searched for "spell" on the online up-to-date man page and FAQ, but could not figure out what I'm doing wrong. I must have missed something.

Can someone point me to the correct way to invoke a spell checker (preferably aspell) in Nano 8.0?


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