On 8 February 2013 11:02, stn021 <address@hidden> wrote:
pkg install communications-1.0.10.tar.gz
ends with this error:
g++ -c -fPIC -I/usr/local/include/octave-3.6.3/octave/..
-I/usr/local/include/octave-3.6.3/octave -I/usr/local/include
-I/usr/include/freetype2 -g -O2 -DHAVE_OCTAVE_36 syndtable.cc -o syndtable.o
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/oct-JBF9Eb/communications-1.0.10/src'
error: called from `pkg>configure_make' in file
/usr/local/share/octave/3.6.3/m/pkg/pkg.m near line 1385, column 9
error: called from:
error: /usr/local/share/octave/3.6.3/m/pkg/pkg.m at line 827, column 5
error: /usr/local/share/octave/3.6.3/m/pkg/pkg.m at line 383, column 9
You truncated the actual error. Can you please post more?
- Jordi G. H.