2013/2/9 marco atzeri
moreover last communications is version 1.1.0 ...
Yes, i know. Tried that one too. That is why I wrote "does not work in any version".
and octave-3.6.3 was never officially announced for some issues
that should be solved in 3.6.4
I downloaded the source
octave-3.6.3.tar.bz2 from
Then the usual ./configure ; make ; make install
The sourcefile looked to me like any other previous one, and compiled with no indication of any problems.
I will now build octave 3.6.2 instead and I would like to request that unreleased source-files with issues (like
octave-3.6.3.tar.bz2) be marked as "rc" or something similar.
I had no problem to install communications-1.1.0.tar.gz
on 3.6.4rc1
I will update and rebuild as soon as 3.6.4 is release
Thanks, stn