I am attaching the entire file compactdiffcabfdoctb2.m
When I run it I get the error message given below.
Also attaching the file generating VVb2 and hb2.
I am using Octave 3.2 in an Ubuntu environment.
I cannot figure out what is wrong. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks Asha G
ii = 3:(N-2);
ffdb2(ii) = ((Bfd*(VVb2(ii+2)-VVb2(ii-2)))./(4*hb21)) + (Afd*(VVb2(ii+1)-VVb2(ii-1)))./(2*hb21);
error message : error: quotient: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 1x7, op2 is 1x11)
error: called from:
error: /home/ashag/Desktop/cabunbact2octester/compactdiffcabfdoctb2.m at line 62, column 14
error: /home/ashag/Desktop/cabunbact2octester/cabranbact13oct.m at line 325, column 10