On 06/06/2013 10:12 AM, asha g wrote:
> ffdb2(ii) = ((Bfd*(VVb2(ii+2)-VVb2(ii-2)))./(4*hb21)) +
> (Afd*(VVb2(ii+1)-VVb2(ii-1)))./(2*hb21);
Please give us something to work with. I get this error for 'a+b':
error: operator +: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 1x3, op2 is 1x2)
The error message indicates there was something wrong with the
arguments, just like in your case, but that's about all that can be
said. Now if I show you that I did a=[1 2 3]; b=[1 2]; it is much
clearer what is my confusion.
is much easier and more productive to help someone who shows a
concise and complete session that can be reproduced. You correctly
provide your code, but no data. Please help us help you by showing a
complete session that I could cut and paste into my octave and see the
error you're getting. Bonus points if you reduce it to short code (one
to few lines). Not only will you get an answer sooner when you make an
effort to explain and distill your problem to a short test case, I
guarantee you that you will often find the mistake yourself.
Sorry about that. I am giving you the main script file and one more which can generate VVp. That substituted into volt_cabranpab2 should give you VVb2. I think you will only need lp,lb2 and lambda from there which you can cut and paste from there.
lp = 10e-4; % in cm
lb2 = 100e-4; % in cm
Ri=333.33;% ohms.cm
Cm = 1e-6; % farad / cm^2
f= 1/(2*pi*tau*e-3); %
lambda = (1/2)*(dp/(pi*f*Ri*Cm))^(1/2);%cm
Please let me know if you need more information.
Asha G