From: Przemek Klosowski <address@hidden>
To: asha g <address@hidden>
Sent: Friday, 7 June 2013 11:45 PM
Subject: Re: nonconformant arguments
On 06/07/2013 12:47 AM, asha g wrote:
> Sorry about that. I am giving you the main script file and one more
> which can generate VVp. That substituted
into volt_cabranpab2 should
> give you VVb2. I think you will only need lp,lb2 and lambda from there
> which you can cut and paste from there.
> lp = 10e-4; % in cm
> lb2 = 100e-4; % in cm
> Ri=333.33;%
> Cm = 1e-6; % farad / cm^2
> f= 1/(2*pi*tau*e-3); % Hz
> lambda = (1/2)*(dp/(pi*f*Ri*Cm))^(1/2);%cm
> Please let me know if you need more information.
I think you'd have to start with an empty directory, start Octave there
and construct your test step by step, so that others who are trying to
help you can reproduce it from scratch. It all works for you because you
have set up your environment, but we don't have access to that.
I tried to follow what you wrote but when I did the commands above, they
were missing things like 'tau'. So I tried to source the code from
cabranbact13oct.m, only to be defeated by lack of subroutine
volt_cabranpab1. I thought I'd fake it out with a dummy definition that
just returns zeros, but in your own files you comment it as % calling
function volt_cabranpab1 ( L3) but actually use it as [VVb1,hb1,hb12]=
When I defined that on command line and re-ran your script, it got
deleted because you do 'clear all'. When I got past that, I found out
that you also use undefined procedure volt_cabranpab3, and after that,
volt_cabranapab4 which you also didn't provide. So instead of helping
you, I am just chasing wind and wasting time, so I just stopped there.
Put yourself in the shoes of a person that you are asking for help, and
ask yourself what you'd want to get in order to help efficiently. THen,
provide those things.
If I send you all the files in cabranbact13oct. - It would be a lot of files to send. That is why I thought that if you just ran it
with the files needed to see why compactdiffcabfdoctb2 is giving me the error message, that might be enough. I have not tried commenting out the other files - But I think just running it with
the files that generate VVb2 and hb2 should be enough . Is that not the case ? Please let me know - otherwise, I will send you all the files in dropbox.
Regards and thanks
Asha G