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[Help-smalltalk] OOP leaking with registered object

From: Roland Plüss
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] OOP leaking with registered object
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2015 21:30:17 +0200
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I'm trying to figure out why I've got a leak with GST. It's about a C++
program hosting smalltalk as script language. Let's say you've got this

class Something:
   OOP app
      gst_initialize( NULL, NULL, GST_NO_TTY )
      // add classes and stuff
      app = gst_perform( classApp, selectorNew ) // calls also init
      gst_register_oop( app );
      app = gst_perform( classApp, selectorCleanup ) // calls cleanup
      gst_unregister_oop( app );
      // clean up classes and stugg
      gst_invoke_hook( GST_ABOUT_TO_QUIT )

Furthermore let's say a smalltalk script does something simple like this:
MyApp subclass: App [
   | x |
   init [ x := CEnabledClass new ]
   cleanup [ x := nil ]

No other object stores a reference to x for this simple test. Now x is
always leaking. Furthermore OOP app is leaking (if I set it to call
finalize and printf on finalize[] nothing happens).

I can verify that if X is created somewhere in smalltalk function and
going out of scope it is properly destroyed if not used and does not leak.

If assigned to OOP app x leaks because OOP app is not freed. Most
probably OOP app is simply not garbage collected in that short time?

Is there a way to force garbage collection before shutting down?

Yours sincerely
Plüss Roland

Leader and Head Programmer
- Game: Epsylon ( )
- Game Engine: Drag[en]gine (
, )
- Normal Map Generator: DENormGen ( )
- As well as various Blender export scripts und game tools

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