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Re: [Koha-devel] classification, dewey, and subclass

From: Chris Cormack
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] classification, dewey, and subclass
Date: Mon Oct 29 12:25:02 2001
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.18i

On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 12:57:56PM -0700, Tonnesen Steve said:
> What exactly is the "classification" field for?  I'm having problems with
> modbibitem trouncing on my subclass.  It appears that the "class" field in
> modbibitem.pl contains "$dewey$classification$subclass" and when an item
> has a subclass but no dewey, the classification gets set to the value that
> the subclass used to have and the subclass gets blanked out.  I don't want
> to implement a fix for this that breaks whatever you are doing in NZ, but
> I don't understand why it is this way?  Why doesn't modbibitem have
> separate fields for dewey, classification and subclass?
Hmmm Im struggling to remember.
Im sure there must have been a reason I did it that way, probably not a good
one tho, it certainly seems a stupid way to do it at first glance.

My guess is that the librarians here thought of it as all one field, and so
i tried to make it look like it was one.

My inclination would be to fix it, and ill sneak the fix over to the library
and see if anyone complains :-) Can always rollback to an earlier cvs
version if they dont like it. 



Chris Cormack                                                     Programmer
025 500 789                                        Katipo Communications Ltd
address@hidden                                          www.katipo.co.nz

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