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[Koha-devel] Next stable release (roadmap + question) (kados, read caref

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] Next stable release (roadmap + question) (kados, read carefully)
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 17:45:11 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060420)

Hello all,

I think we have almost solved the 2 main problems with rel_2_2 :

* encoding problems : joshua get rid of unicode ones & I get rid of the remaining iso-8859-1 one. I made something i'm not very proud of :

Joshua introduced a TemplateEncoding system preference that can be either iso8859-1 or utf8. If it is set to iso8859-1, there are a lot of encoding problems : MARC::File::XML don't like it, as MARC::Record is supposed to work in MARC8 or UNICODE. Thus, it seems that all accents are transformed in the process html => xml => marc. Thus, i've reintroduced the html => marc behaviour if the TemplateEncoding is set to iso8859-1 (i've fixed the html2marc as joshua proposed previously, fixing a remaining bug) This solution is a workaround : we will have to find a correct solution for Koha 3.0, to move every Koha to UNICODE and UNICODE only. But for instance, I tried some things but failed. Thust this solution, that works correctly for french libraries and should change nothing for unicode ones.' 'acqui.simple/addbiblio.pl' 2>&1

* MARC editor, cloneTag problem :
when duplicating a tag, there was 2 problems :
- the mandatory flags where no more properly affected. I solved this problem by moving color change on Check to the field itself, not to error$i container. Error$i container is now useless and removed. I also changed active color to grey, yellow being for mandatory fields. - when you duplicate a field with an authority, the value is still reported to the 1st field. When you duplicate the 1st authority, the container name is set to index+index, so you get 2 "indexindex" containers. I still have to solve this problem, but that should not bee too hard I think.

Kados : I didn't modified NPL templates, I let you do this.

I hope I'll find some more time to work on this version next week, working on translation to french, and maybe install it to one of my libraries.

So, this next version should be officially released on 12th / 13th.

what could be it's name ? 2.2.6 or 2.4.0 ? That will be discussed on monday
(note for everybody : monday is closed in France. So you won't see us on chat. But i'll be here on monday 20:00GMT (10PM for French ppl)

Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants
en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)

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