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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Google to drop XMPP entirely

From: Michał 'rysiek' Woźniak
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Google to drop XMPP entirely
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 17:59:00 +0200
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Dnia wtorek, 28 maja 2013 o 14:06:39 Sergio Durigan Junior napisał(a):
> On Monday, May 27 2013, Michał 'rysiek' Woźniak wrote:
> > We started working on open letter to Google to explain their decision:
> >
> My half cent.
> You have the right to do that, but IMHO it is a waste of time and
> energy.  As others have said, Google is far from being a good
> alternative for communication, and I think they will not revert their
> decision.  They are a company, and they have a business argument to do
> what they are doing, and I don't fool myself into thinking that they
> will listen to Free Software communities...
> Anyway, since some people are willing to spend energy on this subject
> (which is great), maybe it would be better to promote good alternatives
> to Google Talk/Hangout/whatever-they-are-calling-it-now?  For example,
> here in Brazil we have, a public Jabber server,
> which I intend to help and promote :-).
> Nevertheless, I am keeping an eye on the letter.  Thanks for doing what
> you think is right, really!

I am not in any way kidding myself that this letter would make Google change 
the decision. However, it might get picked up in the media and might help put 
the open standards topic front and centre for a short while. Also, it *will* 
make Google at least a bit uncomfortable and maybe make them consider such 
decisions less viable in the future.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak

Fundacja Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania

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