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Re: Point and click with gvim under Fedora 38

From: Jeff Kopmanis
Subject: Re: Point and click with gvim under Fedora 38
Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 09:11:48 -0400

You should look into include files if you've got that much code.  Lilipond can handle it, and it'll make your project much more managable.

On Tue, May 2, 2023, 8:58 AM Andrew Bernard <> wrote:

The work is about 40,000 lines of lilypond code, but split into about ten sections. There are only about 30 include files. Frescobaldi is unusable, then and still now. Of the order of 30 seconds to do any operation, on a linux VM on a very fast computer. I will say that the score is a work of the New Complexity School by my colleague and the music is pretty dense, and I think this may have something to do with it (altho as I write that it sounds stupid).

I'm sorry to say this is why  I had to move over to Dorico. But I need to complete this work in Lilypond and hence I am back to looking for a good working environment again.


On 2/05/2023 8:37 pm, Federico Bruni wrote:
This is:


I don't have a large score to do a test.

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