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Re: Point and click with gvim under Fedora 38

From: Andrew Bernard
Subject: Re: Point and click with gvim under Fedora 38
Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 22:45:19 +1000

From work on this in the past, it's a gvim issue. Nothing to do with lilypond. Don't spend any time on it. When following this a few years ago various gvim forums indicated this is a kind of difficulty, not exactly a bug.

I just thought I can't be the only one in the world wanting to use gvim on Fedora with lilypond pDF point and click. Perhaps I am!

The unwanted junk is unintelligible lines of gvim internal program/macro/function code at the status line area.


On 2/05/2023 7:57 pm, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

What did you already do, so we can reproduce?

Can you be more specific on your problem? What's the “unwanted junk”?

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