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Re: lynx-dev Re: [2.8.1dev21] patch: Cosmetic changes to internal pages

From: Al Gilman
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Re: [2.8.1dev21] patch: Cosmetic changes to internal pages
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 12:17:31 -0400 (EDT)

While you have this topic open

i.e. user interface screens which use HTML as an intermediate
representation and Lynx formatting for HTML as a graphical

One function we have not dealt with is proper hyperlinks from
these pages.

It would make sense to me if the Information Page linked the name
of the lynx version to the release page for that version at the
development site, for releases, and to the home page for the
development sequence for compiles of the development code.  
I hope that if we come up with the pattern, the actual string
substitution of URLs can be Configure-ed in.  

Maybe the version ID should link to an "About" page that is local
but includes links to more information that may be needed in
diagnosing trouble.  That would be one way to put a precise
configuration ID somewhere that it isn't cluttering the
first-round InfoPage.

Likewise if the p)rint options page linked to the printing
section in the User's Guide, etc.  This would all be helped if
the User's Guide used mnemonic anchor names instead of integers
that change when the ToC changes...  

If user-type people will tell us at what points in the command
interface there should be links to context-related help, I will
draft a patch for the User's Guide which provides mnemonic link
targets (via anchor or ID names, I like IDs since we are doing
this only for Lynx users and Lynx handles URL#id just fine...).


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