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[Maposmatic-dev] A new MapOSMatic website

From: Maxime Petazzoni
Subject: [Maposmatic-dev] A new MapOSMatic website
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2010 16:05:17 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Hi all,

The 24 patches patch series you have just seen pass by on this mailing
list is my Christmas present to MapOSMatic: a new, revamped website.

The patch series contains my previous work on the jobs/maps pages
revamp, so you can just import all this one and forget about the other.
You'll notice that the first 5-6 patches are the same.

So, what's new?

  - first and foremost, the design. After some discussions, I kept the
    two columns layout, but made it cleaner by using a uniform white
    background and fine delimitation lines;

  - the header now includes a link on 'MapOSMatic' to quickly go back
    to the home page;

  - the header also has a very nice background image, featuring the
    Belfort downtown map :-)

  - the language selection drop down is now in the header, on the top
    right of the site, as it was requested, for easier access;

  - the menu has been redesigned a bit to be more integrated into the

  - the map creation form is now on its own, standalone page. This makes
    for a simpler home page, and also a simpler form page with a more
    direct access to the form fields;

  - the jobs and maps pages have been redesigned, but you already know
    this. Cool status icons and clearer job details, with map

  - the job detail page now has a 5 seconds autorefresh until the job is

On the form itself, the big feature is the revamp of the Nominatim
search. The results are now displayed as a drop down suggestion list in
a way similar to what you can find on Google. You'll see for yourself
how unusable results are handled. Up/Down/Enter keys are handled as
one would expect from such a suggestion list.

Behind the scenes, I have reworked the main HTML skeleton to make it
simpler and cleaner. A lot of work also went into the Javascript code to
use JQuery more efficiently and more cleanly than before.

The development instance at should feature these
changes as soon as Thomas integrates them.

Feedback is welcome!

- Maxime
Maxime Petazzoni <>
 ``One by one, the penguins took away my sanity.''
Linux kernel and software developer at MontaVista Software

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