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Re: [Mldonkey-users] Improve results quality

From: MLdonkey
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] Improve results quality
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 17:50:56 +0100

>  However, coming back to a request made on this Mailing List, I have the
>  following question :

In 'downloads.ini', there is an option 'filter_search' that you can
set to true to add post-filtering on replies. You should then set
'filter_search_delay' to the delay you want before a result is
received and it is filtered (ie it won't be displayed before this
delay).  The current delay of 20 secs is probably too long for current
computers. This filtering also works with Overnet results.

>  When someone starts a search like "wordA wordB" in the GUI, the
>  search_query is set to CONTAINS[wordA wordB]. In overnet, we start 2
>  searches, and we merge the results. 
>  a/ I can filter overnet results before they get added to the sources
>  list. I would prefer to consider such "wordA wordB" searches like "wordA
>  AND wordB". Am I correct ?

Yes, the semantics is a AND between words.

>  b/ Is the previous behavior from the GUI correct or should it start a
>  QAND[CONTAINS[wordA]; CONTAINS[wordB]] search ? queries seems to have a
>  great semantic (AND OR NOT, ...) , but is there a way to use it in the
>  GUI ?

eDonkey supports AND queries such as 'wordA wordB'. That's the reason
why the GUI doesn't parse this kind of queries, it is done latter
anyway in the core.

- MLDonkey

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