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[Mldonkey-users] Uncommenting the "mp3file not found" message

From: Sven Hartge
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] Uncommenting the "mp3file not found" message
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 20:10:20 +0100
User-agent: tin/1.5.16-20030113 ("Spiders") (UNIX) (Linux/2.4.20-112 (i586))


I am trying to get rid of the "mp3file not found" message, but since I
don't know any Ocaml, I need a little help here.

My modification is as following:

| let search_info_mp3 filename =
|   try
|     let tag = filename in
|     let info = filename in
|     raise (FormatFound (MP3 (tag, info)))
|   with
|   | FormatFound _ as e -> raise e
|   | x ->
| (*      Printf.printf "error while looking for mp3file %s: %s" filename
|         (Printexc2.to_string x); print_newline () *)
|         ()

This seems to be a switch/case :

try <expression>
 | case1
 | case2

So just removing the second case totally seems not to be appropriate,
since the manual says, an exception is raised if nothing matches.

But () seems to be the "empty" function, so just writing

try <expression>
 | case1 -> whatever
 | case2 -> ()

should be correct, thus just doing nothing on case2.

Am I right, or totally off on this one. (Ocaml is my first functional
language so far, and the syntax is a bit weird to my eyes and mind being
used to C/C++).


BOFH excuse #117:

the printer thinks its a router.

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