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[Mldonkey-users] Server interfacing

From: Chris Chabot
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] Server interfacing
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 03:41:33 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030117

Hi Ya'll

I've just finished implimenting a mldonkey interface toolkit (in php) which uses the .ini files, and telnet connection to collect all the information.

Even so, i can not shake the feeling that with the fast-changing layout of the telnet output, it could be 'wise' to put a XML based interface on mldonkey? A full-fledged xml parser would not be required, since the input is quite limited, and output doesn't need any fancy xml-parsing or validaring either.. just output a string, with the correct xml tags around it?

This way, i and other developers, can develop Web frontends and GUI's for mldonkey, without having to wurry about monthly breakage and incompatibilities.. Also i would hope the amount of information available to external toolkits would benifit from this. (like: how do i get the current up&download speeds? all i can do now is add the speeds from 'vd', and get an average upload speed in 'cs')

Preferably such an interface would listen to some port, and accept XML 'commands' in a form of:

(connect to server with id '1')

responce (no errror, otherwise message would hold error msg)
        <message>Connecting to server</message>

..etc. Do this for most basic commands (download, upload info, client stats, servers, connect, speeds, etc) and you could build a solid interface to mldonkey. The benifit would also be that a lot of ppl are used to this type of XML interface (lots of web & payment services use it) so would allow more ppl to play with it.

Anyways.. just pleading, since i know i'll spend to many hours of my life keeping my current telnet based interface compatible ;-)

ps, pls include my email addr in replies, i'm not subscribed to the list

        -- Chris Chabot

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