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[Mlview-hacking] Project news

From: Dodji Seketeli
Subject: [Mlview-hacking] Project news
Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 11:37:36 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i
User-agent: Mutt 1.4i

Hi all,

Some cvs hacktivity occured lately.
Among noticeable changes are : 

      + Some i18n related bugs closed (strider)
      + The MlViewTreeEditor2 reached a visible though instable state. (me)
        To test it, open the src/mlview-xml-doc-tree-view.h file and
        uncomment the line that contains /*#define TREE_EDITOR2 1*/.
        Recompile and that's it. Anyway, the new tree editor doesn't
        (properly) support any editor action yet (cut/paste/copy etc ...).
        It is there for you to comtemplate it ;) I hope it'll be able
        to support edition actions within days.

See the Changelog in the cvs for more details.

We have also bought the domain. For now on, points to mlview's homepage. Strider and
I can be joined at address@hidden and address@hidden

Best regards,


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