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Re: Nano 4.6 eats this line

From: Seb
Subject: Re: Nano 4.6 eats this line
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2019 14:44:37 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (DEB 202 2017-01-01)


Thanks for trying to reproduce the bug!
Sorry for not providing enough information from the start.

Does it happen with 'nano -I'?

No it doesn't: with -I, all symptoms disappear.

If not, do you have anything set/unset in any nanorc files?


~> grep . .nanorc | grep -v \# | sort
bind M-N linenumbers all
bind M-, recordmacro all
bind M-. runmacro all
bind M-S softwrap main
bind ^Q prevword all
bind ^S " all
bind ^Z findbracket all
color green "«"
color green "\index"
color yellow "»"
set backup
set backupdir /home/seb/.nano_saved-files
set boldtext
set breaklonglines
set emptyline
set historylog
set jumpyscrolling
set matchbrackets "(<[{«)>]}»"
set positionlog
set punct "!.?»;"
set selectedcolor white,blue
set speller "ispell -t -d french -Tlatin1"
set trimblanks
syntax "guillemets" ".utiliser-l-option-Y.1"
syntax "index" ".utiliser-l-option-Y.2"
unset nowrap
unset wordbounds

What does 'nano -V' display for compiled options?

Here is the output:

~> ~/bin/binaires/nano -V
 GNU nano, version 4.6
 (C) 1999-2011, 2013-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 (C) 2014-2019 the contributors to nano
 Email: address@hidden    Web:
 Compiled options: --disable-libmagic --enable-utf8

I merely typed "./configure && make".

* pressing <Tab> at the beginning of the line (or when the cursor is on
  the first letter, "p") makes the line disappear;
When you then press <Backspace>, does the line reappear? And when you
undo the <Tab> instead (with <Esc> U)?

Neither Backspace nor Esc-U has any effect.

* adding a character anywhere on the line except on the first column  
  makes the line disappear.
Again, does <Backspace> bring the line back?  Or has it really been
eaten and is it gone?

The line is gone for good.

Do you have your terminal's tab size set to something other than the default?

Yes: the default is (I think) 8 spaces and I use Tab = 4 spaces.

Can you reproduce the bug also when running nano with --ignore?

As above with -I (is this the same?), the problem then disappears.

Your example file is in DOS format (the line ends with 0x0d 0x0a).  Is
that correct?  Or is it an artifact of sending it by email?

Sorry, it is an artifact of the transit by email. The file was created under Linux and was never in contact with any Windows machine.

Kind regards,

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