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Re: Nano 4.6 eats this line

From: Seb
Subject: Re: Nano 4.6 eats this line
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2019 20:41:07 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (DEB 202 2017-01-01)

Hello all,

Op 15-12-2019 om 14:44 schreef Seb:
No it doesn't: with -I, all symptoms disappear.

Okay. Then please start commenting out groups of settings in your ~/.nanorc file until you find the setting that triggers the bug.

The minimal combination in my .nanorc is this:

set breaklonglines
set quotestr "^([   ]*([#%:<>|}\]|//))+"

If either line is commented, the behavior goes back to normal.

Please find attached gzip'd versions of my .nanorc and the example file.

Also be sure to first move /etc/nanorc somewhere else, so that any settings in that file do not interfere.

I did that.

(Wow.  There really are people who prefer the half-screen scrolling? :) )

Yes! I mean, who wouldn't? :-)

Do you have your terminal's tab size set to something other than the default?
Yes: the default is (I think) 8 spaces and I use Tab = 4 spaces.
And when you switch the terminal back to the default tab size of 8? Does the problem then still occur?

Actually, I must have been mistaken. I could find no trace of a setting of the tabsize in ~/.Xresources. I know I switched from 8 to 4 spaces some time in the 1990s, but thas was probably just, at the time, an alias for
pico setting an option.

Kind regards,

Attachment: example.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: dot-nanorc.gz
Description: application/gzip

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