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different syntax highlighting for Haskell

From: Benno Schulenberg
Subject: different syntax highlighting for Haskell
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2020 11:52:07 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.10.0

Op 12-09-2020 om 21:36 schreef Hussam al-Homsi:
> I discussed my improvements with Ryan, and he approves of them.

Ryan?  Why and how is this syntax better than the existing one?

> Attached are updated patches that reflect our discussion. There are 2
> patches: the first removes the old haskell.nanorc and the second adds
> the new one. I did that to make the Git history clearer, since my
> "changes" were actually done from scratch rather than based on the old
> file.


> +## Syntax highlighting for Haskell.

Please add an author line and a license line like in the old syntax.
Each newly added syntax needs those two lines.

> +# Errors.
> +color brightyellow "\<(error|undefined)\>"

Please do not use "bright" any more; use "light", or "bold, light".

> +# Ordinary comments.
> +color brightwhite "--($|[^!#$%&*+./:<=>?@\^|~].*)"
> +# Nested comments.
> +color brightwhite start="\{-" end="-}"

White is impossible to read on terminals with a light background.
Use some other color.

Also, please provide a URL of a fairly-sized Haskell file, so that
I can see how the two syntaxes compare.


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