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stereo should be enough for anyone?

From: Niklas Wallen
Subject: stereo should be enough for anyone?
Date: Tue Apr 9 17:45:02 2002


I was playing around and changed the mono/stereo limit to OX_MAX_BUS_WIDTH
(6 or 8 seems enough) channels using a simple mapping for connections.
I'd like to hear your opinion about it..

lin,rin,lout,rout in machine and lbuf,rbuf in mixer became pointer arrays like
samp *in[OX_MAX_BUS_WIDTH].

The mapping is stored in the input struct as an array of channel numbers.
The number of channels used for a connection is determined by the number
of input channels of the destination machine, so input on channel k comes
from output channel input.channels[k]. To receive nothing on a channel,
use the value OX_CHANNEL_NONE.

Yeah, I admit a better name should be used since 'channel' belongs to
another concept. Anyone with better imagination?

A machine with 4 input channels for two stereo inputs could use mappings like
[0,1,x,x] for one input machine and [x,x,0,1] for the other.

A connection from a mono machine to a stereo machine could have a mapping
of [0, 0].

Stereo to mono can only be either [0] or [1] but I'm thinking about a way
to specify several channels at once. Would it be sufficient to have a
'stereo bit' to simply mix channels k and k+1? A mixer machine could always
solve the more general problem of n to 1 mappings.

How will panning work with this scheme?
A gain for each channel?
Is this interesting or are you all satisfied with stereo?
(I'm gonna do it anyway, hehe)

Niklas W

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