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Re: Octave 5.2.0 release

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: Octave 5.2.0 release
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2020 15:47:55 -0500
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On 2/3/20 2:24 PM, "Markus Mützel" wrote:
Am 03. Februar 2020 um 19:29 Uhr schrieb "John W. Eaton":
On 2/3/20 12:37 PM, Kai Torben Ohlhus wrote:

If necessary, I will rebuild everything a third time.  But I need some
help by jwe to upload the octave tar.gz / .lz / .xz to the official
location and by some MXE maintainer to bumb the release-octave.mk to
5.2.0 with the respective checksum.

I uploaded the source files and they should appear on ftp.gnu.org soon.

It should be possible to build the windows binary files and have
directory names like octave-5.2.0-w64 without having to upload the files
to ftp.gnu.org first.  The process may not be immediately obvious, but
you should be able to make the required changes in your local copy of
mxe-octave and then place the tar file in the local mxe package source
directory.  Then the mxe-octave Makefile won't attempt to download it
from ftp.gnu.org if the checksum in the release-octave.mk file matches.

In any case, now that the tar files are uploaded, I'll look at making
the changes to mxe-octave.

Should we also move the bookmark tagging the release in MXE Octave to that 

Yes, the tag should be added after changing the version in the src/release-octave.mk file and it should tag the version that is used to build the binary files we distribute on ftp.octave.org. I updated the tag but haven't pushed it yet. I'll do that after verifying that the build works properly.

I also noticed that there were things like /home/siko1056/OctaveCD/build/.. showing up in the output from "system ('gcc -v')". Is that what we want? I used to have similar strings with /home/jwe/.. showing up in those places but my most recent builds were done in /release/... so my user name shouldn't have appeared in the generated files.

Kai, I hope you aren't discouraged by this experience. I think it's been useful to see where the rough spots are in our release process and I hope we can improve things so that releases can be made by any developer. It's not good that there are things that only seem to be known by me, and that I can't even remember from one release to the next until I actually start trying to create the files for distribution.


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