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Re: [Pan-users] stupid question

From: Charles Kerr
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] stupid question
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 08:06:17 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.20i

On Tue, Aug 13, 2002 at 09:22:24AM +0200, Gollum wrote:
> On 12 Aug 2002 23:32:30 -0300
> Submit <address@hidden> wrote:
> > I've just installed pan 0.12.1 and is great but is very ugly compared
> > to the screenshots in the site!, Do I have to install pan 0.12.9 for a
> > nicer look?
> If I remember correctly, one of the first things I did after installing
> Pan (0.12.1) was to go into "Preferences" and replace all the "serif"
> fonts with "sans".  That made the text a lot more readable on screen,
> and I presently have no reason to complain about Pan's apperance.
> Serif fonts (like "Times") really shouldn't be used as default, since
> they must be larger than sans-serif fonts (like "Helvetica" or "Arial")
> to be readable on a computer monitor.  Serifs are more suitable for
> printed material.
> I suggest Pan use a sans-serif font instead of the serif font as
> default, if that's something selected by the Pan programmers, i.e. not
> inherited from the settings of the window manager.

The defaults are:

  #define BOLD_PANGO_DESCRIPTION "sans bold 11"
  #define NORMAL_PANGO_DESCRIPTION "sans 11"
  #define MONOSPACE_PANGO_DESCRIPTION  "courier 11"

They used to be serif, but were changed because, as you said,
they weren't as pleasing to read.

Though, I wonder if it wouldn't be better to take out the font
and color settings and let the user define these things via
the desktop.  Does anyone really use a different font in the
group pane than in the header pane, or set the text pane's
background to white when they have a black gtk theme?
If so, speak up ... ;)


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