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[Pan-users] cache NNTPMessage from localhost

From: Thufir
Subject: [Pan-users] cache NNTPMessage from localhost
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 08:49:02 -0700
User-agent: Pan/0.133 (House of Butterflies)

I'm playing around with gnu.mail.providers.nntp.NNTPMessage and it 
behaves in an unanticipated way -- but as documented.

If the store is closed this invalidates the messages, so the NNTPMessage 
is only useful when connected to the server.  I'm only connecting to 
leafnode on localhost.

Without diving too deeply into the workings of Pan, how does Pan handle 
this stuff?  Pan copies each message into pan2/article-cache/ using its 
Message-ID as the name for a unique ID, ok.

Hypothetically, could Pan (or my reader) work off /var/spool/news/ instead, which is where Leafnode caches its articles?  Not 
that there's a real point to that, just curious.

Another direction is to just keep the socket to Leafnode open, and then 
if it gets closed inadvertently, just open a new connection.  Does that 
seem at all reasonable?  I would prefer to deal with individual messages 
only at the level of NNTPMessage.



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