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Re: [Pan-users] Errors downloading binary news

From: Volker Wysk
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Errors downloading binary news
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 21:43:02 +0200
User-agent: KMail/5.2.3 (Linux/4.4.0-130-generic; KDE/5.36.0; x86_64; ; )

Am Freitag, 27. Juli 2018, 19:09:22 CEST schrieb Dave:
> I've seen similar in the past.  I never identified the cause other
> than it was only certain posters, possibly certain posting servers
> or servers they passed through in common.  There was no fix I could
> identify other than hope there would be enough PAR2 files to fix it.
> Having said that, I saw this happen in and
> others seemed to be able to download the files ok so maybe it's a
> combination of posting method or server and an issue with PAN.

I've tried some half a dozen postings, and only one downloaded okay. This one 
consists of only one part, the rest were multi-part...

Looks like a pan bug... I'm wondering if pan is still actively maintained.

Have you (or anyone on the list) any experience with alternative usenet 
clients? I've tried XPN, but I couldn't figure out how to induce it to download 
any files.

Thanks so far,

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