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Re: [Pan-users] Errors downloading binary news

From: Volker Wysk
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Errors downloading binary news
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2018 20:34:53 +0200
User-agent: KMail/5.2.3 (Linux/4.4.0-130-generic; KDE/5.36.0; x86_64; ; )

Am Samstag, 28. Juli 2018, 07:20:20 CEST schrieb Duncan:
> (... about news servers ...)

This is answered in the other mail I writen, with the subject "(solved) ...".

> First the obvious: Are all the parts showing up?  Is pan displaying
> an assembled puzzle icon before you attempt to download?  

They have changed the icon! It's no longer a puzzle icon, but the image of a 
little box, with an exclamation mark when not all parts are available. This was 
the case with most messages, before I added the other newsserver.

> (... more about newsservers ...)

> 4) Finally, while it appears unlikely here due to the size differential,
> it's possible for a decoder such as pan to assemble the parts in the
> wrong order.   (...)

Pan works fine now, for me.

> So as they say, the above is a bit of a crapshoot, but hopefully it's
> /somewhat/ helpful at least, if in no other way, perhaps at least
> by providing a bit of technical background info on yenc.

You provide a lot of background information. This should somehow be archived. 
But now, after I've found out what's up, I don't need it...  :-)

Many thanks,

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