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Re: [Pan-users] [ANNOUNCE] Pan release 0.150

From: Duncan
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] [ANNOUNCE] Pan release 0.150
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 10:31:00 -0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.150 (Moucherotte; 4c6043e9c)

glen walpert posted on Tue, 1 Mar 2022 20:18:43 -0500 as excerpted:

> On 2/28/22 3:05 AM, Dominique Dumont wrote:
>> On Sunday, 27 February 2022 19:33:42 CET glen walpert wrote:
>>> Pan 0.150 compiled fine and works properly with NNTP but not SSL
>> Please check the list of dependencies listed below line 34  in
>> You'll find the required package to enable all compilation options.
>> All the best
> I have all dependencies met except for libenchant-2-dev, which apt-get
> cannot find for Ubuntu 18 and which appears to be language translation
> related.

Enchant is spelling related so may be optional with the --with/without-
gtkspell option to configure.

> SSL, which worked with Pan 0.144 and 0.146, still does not work.
> The earlier versions had a 'Security' menu option on the edit server
> settings menu,
> where 'Use Secure SSL Connections' was an option - missing in 0.150.
> Perhaps intended to be automatic now when SSL port is selected?

That means the ssl deps weren't found (gnutls-dev?) so pan was configured 
without them.

> Stranger yet, when I went to look at Pan server settings while Eudora
> was also open,
> I got Eudora menu options from the Pan Menu bar!

No clue on that one.

> Still a big improvement - entirely usable.

Working here (gentoo, building from git), but still crashy.  In particular 
I've found pan crashes quite reliably if I hover the mouse over the body 
pane, so apparently some pointer event triggering it.  I've not debugged 
beyond that.  If I steer clear of the body pane (literally, maneuver the 
mouse around it so as to avoid triggering that crash), pan's reasonably 

And some of my replies still aren't showing up, tho that's using gmane so 
could be a problem with its forwarding to the mailing lists or with the 
mailing list processing, as opposed to a problem with pan.  It's also 
possible it could be a bug in the particular gmime version (3.2.7) gentoo 
currently has available.

(Using pan to post this via gmane.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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