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Re: [Pan-users] pan on windows

From: Tom Tanner
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] pan on windows
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 17:11:55 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.6.0

On 27/03/2022 11:57, Tom Tanner via Pan-users wrote:
On 25/03/2022 06:55, Tom Tanner via Pan-users wrote:
I will have a further look, but when this started happening I renamed the entire .pan2 directory so pan was starting up with no servers, nothing, and it still happened (once I'd set up the configuration obviously). It doesn't work for a bit. The functionality for saving stuff does not work at all post .144. Apparently I upgraded pan at about the same time as the big crash so thought it had magically stopped working at the crash, and clearly that was unrelated.

I can confirm the file named in the message does exist. It's just empty.

Replying to own post...

I built pan with mingw64/msys2 (which was much less painful than the instructions for mingw/msys), and after fixing a few  issues to make it compile and link, I got a working pan . Not sure how i'd commit this upstream, and I'm not entirely sure how portable two of the fixes are. Also, this only works in the mingw environment, I'm not sure how to get a windows executable from it. But at least I have something.

Much closer now. Found some things on the web, so I've created a new readme. Currently if an article is an encoded binary, it doesn't appear on the standalone version.

Other problem that happens on both standalone and msys2 versions - if you save an article with no attachments, it doesn't save anything at all.

And the gtk3 icons are microscopic. Is there any way of persuading it to use bigger ones?

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