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Re: [phpGroupWare-users] Re: Microsoft SQL Server

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-users] Re: Microsoft SQL Server
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 09:39:01 +1100

On Sun, 2006-11-26 at 15:44 -0700, Max Rate wrote:
> I made the mistake of assuming the windows version had support already
> for ms sql.  I noticed that there were notes if you were installing it
> in linux to use freedts and then recompile phpGroupWare.  Perhaps my
> troubles are beyond the scope of this forum.  I didn't think php files
> were compiled files, I thought they were interpreted.

I don't have php running under windows atm, so I can't check.

PHP is an interpreted scripting language which is compiled at run time
by the php engine.  I think you are confusing phpGroupWare the script
based application and PHP the scripting engine/language

> Are you saying that I have to recompile phpGroupWare in Windows to
> include the MS SQL support?  Yes, I have verified the DLLs are where
> they should be.  php_mssql.dll / ntwdblib.dll

No, but you need to make sure that PHP has the DLLs in the right place
and it can read them.

> The document you refered me to says freedts and re-compiling is for
> Unix/Linux platforms - there is no mention of this for Windows
> platforms.

<quote src="";>
Requirements for Win32 platforms. 

The extension requires the MS SQL Client Tools to be installed on the
system where PHP is installed. The Client Tools can be installed from
the MS SQL Server CD or by copying ntwdblib.dll from \winnt\system32 on
the server to \winnt\system32 on the PHP box. Copying ntwdblib.dll will
only provide access. Configuration of the client will require
installation of all the tools. 
<snip />

The MSSQL extension is enabled by adding extension=php_mssql.dll to

To get these functions to work, you have to compile PHP with
--with-mssql[=DIR], where DIR is the FreeTDS install prefix. And FreeTDS
should be compiled using --enable-msdblib. 

I could be wrong, but I interpret that to mean that specifying the path
to FreeTDS ([=DIR]) is optional and only required on *nix systems not

> Assuming my PHP configuration was proper, I should see "You appear to
> have MS SQL support enabled" ?  (other than) "No Microsoft SQL Server
> support found. Disabling"

Yes :)

Can you please email me the output of the following script, which should
be in the same directory as your phpgw install.

//Make sure this is in saved as C:\path\to\phpgroupware\info.php
//Call me using

That should give me some information


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
e address@hidden
j address@hidden
sip address@hidden
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