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Re: [security-discuss] GFDL holds the answer about fancy javascript (was

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: [security-discuss] GFDL holds the answer about fancy javascript (was: gnuradio project..)
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 22:00:36 +0300

On Mon, Mar 06, 2017 at 04:26:07AM -0500, Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:
> What the actual license should be of something is not for you to
> decide, that is up to St. IGNUcius and the maintainer of the software.
> How about we leave it to them to say what should or shouldn't be?

I just guess, that the mailing lists are there to engage in
conversation, so that groups of people find agreements and better ways
of promoting GNU software.

Neither, I ever said that I am deciding anything. I am rather pointing
out to ready made policies and guidelines which are helpful for
maintainers and those decision makers.

As long as I am allowed to write to the list, I will write. I like
free software, and I also like to be more straight to public in
regards to free software promotion, teaching, enlightening people.

There is nothing wrong in communicating to others to improve, or to
align with the free software goals.

Yes, I have the agenda, the agenda is to promote free software and
freedoms along it. It just happen that I like to look into details,
like "Free & Open Source" terminology.

Doxygen documents, may be suitable, like you have elaborated. Maybe it
just happen to me that I am used to other GNU packages with info
files, that may be converted to any format. That is my personal
experience and habit that has to be broken.

Jean Louis

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