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[Simulavr-devel] Re: Emergency Makefile and config.h for manual configur

From: E. Weddington
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] Re: Emergency Makefile and config.h for manual configuration
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 10:32:19 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)

Knut Schwichtenberg wrote:

The reason while you at this mail: WinAVR (a tool I like) has a very good URL named Package. If someone wants to build the toolchain that's provided by a WinAVR delivery all required packages are listed. If you could add the receipe how you are going to "make" WinAVR I think this is about 80% to be required for this purpose (Creating avr-tool chain for Linux). There are of course some cygwin specialities but the differences to Linux should not be that much - I hope ;-). BTW: This URL should be available version specific so if someone need to rebuild in 2006 "WinAVR 20040720" he should be able to find the part of this package.

You can find all of the WinAVR packages that have been released on the WinAVR Project page on SourceForge:
SourceForge isn't going away any time soon, so all of those packages should be available for quite some time.

About build instructions:
The plan as I understood it, was to have the build instructions for any platform, be available in the tool's user manual or documentation. I know that implementation of this is "spotty".

- The avr-libc user manual has instructions on how to build the toolchain (binutils, gcc, avr-libc, gdb) for Linux. - The avrdude user manual has instructions on how to build avrdude for Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows.

I think that is is best to have the build instructions in the documentation of the respective tool that needs to be built. In practically all cases, building for Windows is substantially similar to building for Linux because the Cygwin platform is used for building for Windows. There are some minor differences regarding build switches. These have yet to be documented.

This is OT, but it is my hope that the new SimulAVR will have updated documentation at some point, and then once things have stabilized, the build instructions can be put into the documentation.


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