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[Simulavr-devel] Re: Emergency Makefile and config.h for manual configur

From: Klaus Rudolph
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] Re: Emergency Makefile and config.h for manual configuration
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 19:00:39 +0100
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This is OT, but it is my hope that the new SimulAVR will have updated documentation at some point, and then once things have stabilized, the build instructions can be put into the documentation.

Sorry for the delay of documentation in simulavrxx. But at first point we try to set up the features and after that doing the documentation. I know that this is maybe not the correct way but this is also a question of time. Actually I need the simulavrxx a lot for my own projects and there are a lot of features coming in. Sorry, but I could not deliver any more information in the moment. And as you specially ask for building: "./configure, make, make install " is the target :-) So there is no need for docs .... We know that this solution is miles away from today, but Bill is working on this point. In addition to that we are currently searching for windows users which are able to give us a chance of building simulavrxx on windows. I have no windows and I have no experience in mingw at all. So I could not do this job.


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