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Re: [Social-discuss] PHP-Based GNU Social structure

From: Carlo von Loesch
Subject: Re: [Social-discuss] PHP-Based GNU Social structure
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 09:52:53 +0200 (CEST)

Ted Smith typeth:
| because we seem to have a consensus on what UIs are necessary - a
| PHP-based web UI would be nice for users who don't want to install
| things, and a desktop client would be nice for users who do.

It is I who has started doubting the validity of the commodity
webhosting approach, not because I don't like cheap server space
but because of your remark about scrapping private keys off virtual
machine memory. It sharpened my doubts about VM technology into
realizing how this can be just as dangerous as giving your data
to Facebook. ISPs can easily be subpoenad into monitoring the
virtual machine of any activist group or whoever is to run GNU
Social, even if we design the system to use plenty of HTTP-based
cryptography. I was further alerted by RMS's words on SaaS.
Most of them apply to our constellation, even if he thinks social
computing should be exempted.

I am not fundamentally against web-based implementations, in fact
I started out in this discussion thinking that a Facebook-like UI
would be pretty cute to have, but I feel it should be combined
with a license that goes beyond the Affero GPL. It should be
forbidden to run this software in virtual machines as the privacy
of the users can no longer be secured. If you run the software on
your own hardware server, even if it's in somebody else's rack,
it is much harder to harvest. Maybe I'm just some five years early
thinking about the dangers of VM computing, but that's traditionally
my role hurrying ahead of time.

Concerning web interfaces as such.. I know well how powerful they
have become and wouldn't be surprised if desktop interfaces were
WebKit-based or similar. I would consider it a great move if we
found a way to share HTML/JS or other web-oriented logic between a
desktop and a web server implementation, so that the UI is
fundamentally the same whether you run it locally or not.

Concerning the protocol it still hurts to think it could be "web
hook" based, but it could indeed be designed to be transport
agnostic and run on several transports. I do however think it
would be a good idea not to limit ourselves to round-robin
distribution but to provide distribution trees. That means
multicast structures on top of whatever is used.. be it HTTP
or plain TCP/UDP. I can imagine designing a library for transport
agnostic multicast, which allows distribution trees to use a
hybrid of HTTP and plain networking.

Another point of critique against server-based social networking
is the power of the user's private key: User-bound end-to-end
and one-to-many encryption are a whole new dimension of privacy
within social exchange and it's a pity if we don't leverage that
just because we have a requirement to run on commodity web hosting.
So in that sense having to be able to provide a web frontend
seriously limits the possibilities where this technology could head
off to.

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