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Re: mouse not dragging a float window.

From: Eric S Fraga
Subject: Re: mouse not dragging a float window.
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:46:47 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On Wednesday, 31 Aug 2022 at 11:39, David wrote:
> Is it worth a PR on the main repo? I’d welcome merging it if so. 

I don't know but I'm happy to share the code and let others decide
and/or incorporate it as I'm sure it could be improved and brought in
line with the main StumpWM code.  I'm still very much a n00b when it
comes to the variant of Lisp for StumpWM (having only Emacs Lisp
experience these days although I did learn Lisp in the 70s... ;-)).

Anyway, the code:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
;; function to move windows around using the keyboard as the above did
;; not (does not?) work.  The esf-move-window function moves the
;; current window by the number of pixels given, for both x and y
;; directions.  The function is invoked by the keystrokes in the
;; interactive keymap, esf-move, which is called up by invoking it as
;; a command.  Finally, I map C-t M to esf-move.  The function &
;; keymap could be improved by giving some visual feedback to indicate
;; that we are still in a move operation but I don't know how to do
;; that (yet).

(defcommand (esf-move-window float-group) (dx dy)
  ((:number "dX = ") (:number "dY = "))
  (let* ((window (current-window))
         (parent (window-parent window))
         ;; (width (xlib:drawable-width parent))
         ;; (height (xlib:drawable-height parent))
         (x (xlib:drawable-x parent))
         (y (xlib:drawable-y parent)))
    (float-window-move-resize window :x (+ x dx) :y (+ y dy))))
;; the interactive keymap allows specifying setup, exit, and abort
;; functions.  I don't have anything to do at the moment in those
;; cases and maybe do not have to specify any but I specify one just
;; in case and to remember how to specify these
(defun esf-move-setup ())
;; the actual interactive keymap for moving the window.  Default is 10
;; pixels in either direction or 100 with Shift on the same keys.  I
;; use arrow and vi movement keys.
(define-interactive-keymap (esf-move float-group)
    (:on-enter #'esf-move-setup)
  ((kbd "Up") "esf-move-window 0 -10")
  ((kbd "S-Up") "esf-move-window 0 -100")
  ((kbd "k") "esf-move-window 0 -10")
  ((kbd "K") "esf-move-window 0 -100")
  ((kbd "Down") "esf-move-window 0 10")
  ((kbd "S-Down") "esf-move-window 0 100")
  ((kbd "j") "esf-move-window 0 10")
  ((kbd "J") "esf-move-window 0 100")
  ((kbd "Left") "esf-move-window -10 0")
  ((kbd "S-Left") "esf-move-window -100 0")
  ((kbd "h") "esf-move-window -10 0")
  ((kbd "H") "esf-move-window -100 0")
  ((kbd "Right") "esf-move-window 10 0")
  ((kbd "S-Right") "esf-move-window 100 0")
  ((kbd "l") "esf-move-window 10 0")
  ((kbd "L") "esf-move-window 100 0"))

;; bind the interactive keymap to a key in the float group
(define-key stumpwm::*float-group-root-map* (kbd "M")  "esf-move")
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Eric S Fraga via gnus (Emacs 29.0.50 2022-08-16) on Debian 11.4

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