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Re: [Swarm-Modelling] Something Glen said

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Modelling] Something Glen said
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 12:28:07 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061025)

glen e. p. ropella wrote:
If the tool maintainers
refuse to abandon the cruft when they update the tool, then users have
to know _both_ the mainstream technologies _and_ the old technologies
well enough to navigate around (or remove) the cruft themselves.
Swarm has had no maintainer for more than five years. There's much willingness to update Swarm at the SDG (and by me) by using new technologies and cleaning interfaces, there's simply no motivation or time for that work. Meanwhile, no one is standing in your way or anyone's way to improve Swarm or write a new one. Others have. Why not you, the person that insists the SDG should be volunteer organization?

As far as cruft goes for users, the most arbitrary interfaces are from gui and simtoolsgui. Like all Swarm interfaces, they are language independent, but still just a set of primitives of simtoolsgui -- the primitives for interactive probe displays and the control panels. The gui interfaces also expose BLT graphing features for the analysis module. That module could be elaborated as BLT can do many nice things. Scott Christley did some work on new GNUstep GUI features a few years ago, and that would be one direction to continue in. Some of the last work I did on Swarm was setting up a Firefox module of Swarm. That still could be done as now Firefox has a decent SVG implementation for interactive graphics as well as a bitmap Canvas.

defobj, collections, and activity (and the objectbase wrapper) are not arbitrary interfaces, and what I would call the reference interfaces for Swarm. The ideas and implementation for composable time and space vicinities, and well as the implementation for language independent messaging and probing and object persistence.

It all could benefit internally by being rewritten and simplified. The question is how to do that and if it is worth the trouble in light of the existence of other productive projects. My understanding of the SDG's view with the last minor release work was not to do that. Thus why the SDG just bumped the release with some toolchain adjustments and minor fixes for existing users.
The bells and whistles are currency when (and only when)
the users _agree_ at the core.  If there is some disagreement at the
core, then the bells and whistles _prevent_ coordination.
Integration glue addresses the problem that coordination is hard. That no one agrees on direction and throws out technical reasons for not getting involved. If individual technical preferences can be satisfied by giving them freedom to use the tools they like then they can lend a hand in the manner they prefer.

Now, if there is top down or shared recognition of a goal and a basic means to that goal, than a simple library organization is fine. There's a single language used and everyone accepts that. This was not the culture of the Swarm/SFI project when there was still a PI. And certainly not as long as you had breath in your lungs.

Again, by focusing this part of the conversation on "integration glue" I'm having to do the inference work and address your chronic problem with vague accusation. If there is anything specific that you object to, please name it and contrast it against what it is *not* within Swarm, and then explain why it can't be fixed.

Not having any real organizational support when I worked on Swarm (and I was not a PI), the future I naively saw for the survival of Swarm was one of academic and hacker volunteers. People that work for their own goals or satisfaction but without regard for what the community wanted. Thus making the integration glue was more important in my mind than anything else. Today, I'd say a commercial project or long term but lower-metabolism academic institutional project would be the way to go (a research project).
This implementation approach for Swarm is passe.

A passe approach is just _fine_ if the tool is easy to use.
The tool would be easy to use if someone simply *worked* on making it so. In any case, today, such a tool would be technically inferior to what Mono and .NET provide out of the box as it would not provide cross-language *and* cross-box code portability (only the former). It still might be worth finishing if the payoff was perceived as big enough (like on a Cell-based supercomputer or PS3) or for embedding in Firefox or for interim glue to Mono.
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