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Re: [Taler] Taler roll out

From: Hartmut Goebel
Subject: Re: [Taler] Taler roll out
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 12:30:27 +0100
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Am 08.01.2016 um 11:24 schrieb Christian Grothoff:
it might still be a good idea to first create proper marketing
materials (presentations, etc.) and an overall strategy before community
members approach potential partners more or less at random.

And IMHO we must not discuss business strategies on a public mailinglist. Otherwise the big players could defeat our efforts.

Schönen Gruß
Hartmut Goebel
Dipl.-Informatiker (univ), CISSP, CSSLP
Information Security Management, Security Governance, Secure Software Development

Goebel Consult, Landshut

Blog: http://www.goebel-consult.de/blog/artikel-zu-debops-im-ix-magazin
Kolumne: http://www.cissp-gefluester.de/2010-07-passwoerter-lieben-lernen

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