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Re: [Tinycc-devel] libtcc problems

From: grischka
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] libtcc problems
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 15:56:13 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070221)

address@hidden wrote:

Looking at the libtcc.h file libtcc should be able to compile to an output file instead of memory.

Wanted to experiment using libtcc.dll as a backend for another program.

With anything I try I get several errors, the file /usr/lib/crtn.o was not found etc.

Also tcc_add_library_path and tcc_add_library don't seem to have any effect.

I'm on Windows, so why is the compiler looking for /usr/lib ?

Bug. http://repo.or.cz/w/tinycc.git?a=commitdiff;h=96bd8f2b

Where to set the TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT ?

Nowhere. It is PE for EXE/DLL and ELF for OBJ.

Has somebody a working example on Windows?
(maybe utilizing all libtcc commands...)

This works with current from http://repo.or.cz/w/tinycc.git

#include "libtcc.h"
int main()
    TCCState *s;
    s = tcc_new();
    tcc_set_output_type(s, TCC_OUTPUT_EXE);
    tcc_compile_string(s, "#include <stdio.h>\n");
    tcc_compile_string(s, "int main(){puts(\"Hello!\");return 0;}");
    tcc_output_file(s, "hello.exe");
    return 0;


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