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Re: [Tinycc-devel] Basic patch for passing W9X short DOS paths to TCC.

From: lostgallifreyan
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Basic patch for passing W9X short DOS paths to TCC.
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 14:48:27 +0100

Joshua Phillips <address@hidden> wrote:
(15/04/2009 14:21)

>TCC can only compile C. If it were to be able to compile C++, it would need a 
>lot more work (it would need to compile C++ language features: classes, 
>templates, etc. etc.). Since it's still rather buggy at being a C compiler, 
>extending it to compile C++ probably wouldn't be very helpful.
>Secondly, C++ is not a superset of C. It is more like an extension of C. C++ 
>made some changes to the semantics of the C bits (for example, implicit casts 
>of void pointers) which were necessary for other features of C++ to work. So, 
>it is not true that *any* C program is a valid C++ program, although some are 
>(i.e. there is a large common subset).

Thankyou. Clearer now. I don't actually want to use C++ much, assuming I can at 
least compile the odd library for simple things like MIDI I/O. If I can then 
use ANSI C to access that, I'm happy. Especially if I can also use Lua2c to 
allow some things to be done in Lua then compiled to C, which seems very 
likely, once I sort out how to organise that. If TCC isn't buggy when compiling 
ANSI C, it will be ideal for me. It's small, which I value a lot. And it 
compiles Lua fine so it can't be too shabby. :)

I did read that it won't run its compiled code on a 64 bit system though. I 
have no plans to move to one but if TCC could run and compile o a 32 bit 
system, to make code that ran on a 64 bit system, I'd be ok with that. I guess 
backward compatibility in the OS will take care of that too though.

Sorry about the general drift of subject, but the clearer I am, the less it 
need happen later... I try to look for stuff on my own, but where it directly 
relates somehow to the compiler, I'll risk asking here.

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