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Re: [Tinycc-devel] Sugggestion: Add lib type *.c for tcc_add_library() o

From: Thomas Preud'homme
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Sugggestion: Add lib type *.c for tcc_add_library() on windows ('-l' option parse)
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 08:04:53 +0800
User-agent: KMail/4.12.4 (Linux/3.14-1-amd64; KDE/4.13.1; x86_64; ; )

Le dimanche 15 juin 2014, 23:16:14 address@hidden a écrit :
> Hi there,


> I work on win platform.
> As tcc can't use gcc's library (*.a) file, tcc can use *.def file (ONLY) for
> dynamic link avoid making the library files.
> For many libraries small or simple, I think tcc also should can use *.c file
> (ONLY) as library.

I don't know Windows very well but this looks very strange. A .c file is a 
source file and must be compiled first.

> For complicated case, library contains *.def and *.c files (BOTH), I think
> tcc can try "*.def + *.c" instead of *.a as library.

And what should it do in this case? Compile it and link it?

> So tcc can use all files as scripts. I used shell scripts for this purpose
> before. :p

Sorry I don't understand this sentence.

> My changes on "libtcc.c" are bellow:

Have you tried your patch on a real example? Can you give us a concrete 
example/scenario with what files are present and what would happen with and 
without your patch?

Best regards,


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