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[Tinycc-devel] Win: Add Unicode support for _tmain and _tWinMain

From: YX Hao
Subject: [Tinycc-devel] Win: Add Unicode support for _tmain and _tWinMain
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 17:58:16 +0800

Hi there,

I've made the patch in my local branch and the tests. Hope it's usefull.

Following are the test commands you may use.
tcc.exe test_tmain.c -D_UNICODE &&test_tmain
tcc.exe test_tmain.c &&test_tmain

tcc.exe test_tmain.c -D_UNICODE -run
tcc.exe test_tmain.c -run

-D_UNICODE for _tWinMain -*-> wWinMain

-DUNICODE for LPTSTR --> TCHAR -*-> WCHAR --> wchar_t
ASCI: LPTSTR --> TCHAR ---> CHAR  --> char

LPWSTR --> WCHAR --> wchar_t
LPSTR --> CHAR --> char
tcc.exe test_tWinMain.c -D_UNICODE -DUNICODE -luser32 && test_tWinMain "Show me!"
tcc.exe test_tWinMain.c -luser32 && test_tWinMain "Show me!"

tcc.exe test_tWinMain.c -D_UNICODE -DUNICODE -luser32 -run
tcc.exe test_tWinMain.c -luser32 -run

Also, my analysis notes file is attached. It could be a little different as it is generated from my issue branch.

And as in the last section, the referred "spliting of the crt files", do you have any interest? Do you have any other ideas?

YX Hao

Attachment: commit-28b6740
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Unicode_support_log.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: test_tmain.c
Description: Binary data

Attachment: test_tWinMain.c
Description: Binary data

Attachment: view_useless_code.c
Description: Binary data

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