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Re: [Tlf-devel] Xplanet marker

From: Zilvinas, AUGMA
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Xplanet marker
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 00:29:06 +0200
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Thanks for the nice howto Ervin!
So far looks great!
I guess last line's purpose is to show at the bottom of the map latest spot from DX cluster...

73! Zilvis LY2SS

On 04/02/14 23:17, Ervin Hegedüs wrote:

a few weeks ago I've posted this question:

On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 09:08:49PM +0100, Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS wrote:

does anybody use Xplanet with Tlf?

I've tried to use it based on Rein original doc:

but I think it's a little bit outdated.
here is the original message:

So, I've checked how does it work, this is a short howto, if
anybody interests it.

First, you need the xplanet:

sudo apt-get install xplanet xplanet-images

Then create a config directory structure in your $HOME directory:

mkdir -p .xplanet/config
touch .xplanet/config/default

Edit this file with your favorite editor, and put these lines:


Note, I'm using all tlf subdirectory in $HOME/.tlf directory, so
keep it mind, you have to modify that.

In ~/.tlf/CONTEST/logcfg.dat, put the MARKERS option, with same
value as above:


Start xplanet:

xplanet -window -geometry 1400x700 -longitude 19 -latitude 47 -fontsize 13 
-projection rectangular -wait 5

Note, that the projection value should be ancient, azimuthal,
bonne, equal_area, gnomonic, hemisphere, lambert, mercator,
mollweide, orthographic, peters, polyconic, rectangular, or tsc.

In case of other projections, the geometry values should be
changed, eg. for the azimuthal the 700x700 (the two dimensions
are equals) is better. Just play with it :).

The longitude and latitude parameters set the central of map, if
the projection warrants.

The wait parameter sets the repeat time of re-read the marker
file, and modify the night line or rotate the planet.

As I see, the xplanet doesn't like the MARKERS file output format - next
time I'll check, how should it modify to works that correctly.

If anybody try this method, and has any remark/idea, don't
hesitate, and share with me :), I mean: colors/bands, aligns the
markers to bandmap output, and so on...

Good luck,



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