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Re: How to add a contest?

From: Drew Arnett
Subject: Re: How to add a contest?
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2022 18:21:05 +0000

Assuming you don't need TLF to calculate a score on the fly nor track
multipliers worked or needed, can TLF work for you for these contests?

Rather than trying to modify TLF to score or track multipliers worked
or needed, I'd suggest writing a small second program to do that by
watching/reading the log file.  That'd be the least work overall I

Best regards,


On Sat, Oct 8, 2022 at 3:52 AM Martin Kratoska <> wrote:
> Some contests can't be added simply by modifying the GENERAL QSO
> configuration. There are two as an example:
> Memorial OK1WC (MWC) - a very fast, 1 hour CW event which is highly
> popular here in EU. It uses mults last character of worked station call
> suffix.
> FOC MARATHON - no mults but a bonus based on bands where the station was
> worked.
> How and where can be these contests added?
> 73,
> Martin, OK1RR
> ==========================
> Detailed rules
> ==========================
> Memorial OK1WC (MWC)
> Mode:CW
> Bands:80, 40m
> Classes:Single Op All Band (QRP/Low)
> Single Op Single Band (QRP/Low)
> Max power:LP: 100 watts
> QRP: 5 watts
> Exchange:RST + Serial No.
> Work stations:Once per band
> QSO Points:1 point per QSO
> Multipliers: Each last character of worked station call suffix once per
> band
> Score Calculation:Total score = total QSO points x total mults
> ==========================
> BANDS:  160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m.
> QRO Open: Full licenced power on all bands with no antenna restrictions.
> Low Restricted: Output power limited to 100w, simple wire and vertical
> antenna only (no  beams).
> QRP Open: Output power limited to 5w with no antenna restrictions.
> QRP Restricted:  Output power limited to 5w with simple wire and
> vertical antennas only (no beams).
> EXCHANGE:  RST and membership number.
> CONTACTS:  One QSO point for each member worked per band.
> Five points for the first contact with each continent - AF, AS, EU, OC,
> NA, SA. (30 max)
> Two points for the first contact with each country (DXCC).
> Ten points for contacts on five bands with a member.
> Five additional points for a contact on a sixth band with that member.
> The UK based HQ station - G4FOC (GM4FOC, GD4FOC etc.) or an alternative
> notified call, scores double points for contacts and five/six band bonus
> points.
> Total members worked plus...
> Total entities worked X 2 plus...
> Total continents worked X 5 plus...
> Total 5 band contacts X 10
> Total 6 band contacts X 5

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