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[Traverso-devel] Fwd: Re: A small drag_clip / drag_edge implementation

From: Remon
Subject: [Traverso-devel] Fwd: Re: A small drag_clip / drag_edge implementation
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 12:57:06 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6

Hmm, this one wasn't to the list originally, but I figured it might be 
interesting for the list members as well....


> I added a slot to AudioClipView called drag_clip_or_edge() which
> decides whether to return a new MoveEdge or MoveClip Command based on
> the cpointer position.
> For fun, I also added an HKEY2 entry for CTRL+LeftMouseButton to copy
> an AudioClip, since I'm used to using acid music, which allows this.

Hmm, isn't that rather hard to perform ? You have to press them at the (exact) 
same time....
Will try it out, and of course, you are free to add as much keyfacts to the 
keymap as you like!

> Does this patch look about like what you were thinking?  And if so,
> would you be willing to commit it (or something similar), or at least
> the non keymap.xml parts?

Yeah, it's indeed what I had in mind. To a certain degree that is lol...
Using the Command Plugin framework (adding this action to the TraversoCommands 
plugin) would be preferable. It keeps the code clean, and makes it much 
easier to add custom actions!
On the other hand, if it's simpler to do it like you did in the patch, why 
(Just popping into my mind, if you use the Plugin method, you could set 
the 'edge width' as parameter in the arguments attribute! like 
arguments="true;4" , just an idea... hmm, well, it's really just that hehe)

To make this type of action really work, it might be helpfull to indicate this 
graphicaly to the user. So, if the mouse pointer comes into the area where 
the 'edge' would be moved, the 'edge area' will be painted with another 
background color for example?

Anyone else an opinion on this feature ?

It's fine too me btw to merge it into cvs!

> Also, I was thinking that it would be cool to allow changing the hover
> cursor based on what the default LeftButtonAction would do, which in
> this case would make it clear whether you were about to drag the whole
> clip or just its edge.

Ah yeah, this makes sense indeed, that's why there is the virtual 
Command::set_cursor_shape() :-)
It should be reimplemented for MoveClip/Edge, what about using 
the 'HoldCursor' supplied by the ViewPort for this?
One could use that to set an image as cursor, _and_ pushing some string to be 
(If more or other types of widgets/display is required for the HoldCursor, 
feel free to implement that, or talk about it here!)

> I also want to make a command to drag the edge with the audio anchored
> to the edge that you're moving (so sort of combining moving the clip,
> while adjusting the opposite edge to keep it from moving in the
> scene.)
> Should I add this idea (and other ideas) as bugs?

Yes, that would be great!
(And if you don't mind a little more explanation, I don't get exactly what you 
want to do...)

> I was going to add the patch to Savannah, but wasn't sure where I
> should put it.  New bug or new task?  And since I can't add tasks, I
> decided to use email again until figuring that out.

Submitting on the bug tracker is fine, I'll change the prioriry according to 
the type of the bug!



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