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Re: [Traverso-devel] Some notes (on move or resize clip)

From: ben levitt
Subject: Re: [Traverso-devel] Some notes (on move or resize clip)
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 10:40:43 -0700

On 3/30/07, Remon <address@hidden> wrote:
@ Ben, the playcursor doesn't remember it's config, after program restart, it
defaults to centered? Can you confirm this, not sure if it always happens,
but it happens frequently.

Okay, I'll look at this...

The new move or resize clip [Mouse button Left] isn't as clear as it could be,
the 4 pixels that 'detect' if it's either a move clip  or move edge is too
small, and it might be better if there is visual feedback somehow, so the
user knows if it will be a move clip or move edge....
Anyone ?
(Hmm, a quick and nice way to make that work is using the ViewPorts
holdcursor, or just setting the correct cursor in
MoveClip::set_cursor_shape()) .....)

I agree that visual feedback would be great.  I was thinking that
hilighting the edge of the clip while you're hovering over the clip's
edge would be a good, easy way to do it...

And in my very humble opinion, [ E ] is at least as simple, and [ D ] isn't
far away from it either .. :D
(Sorry Ben... )

I agree that [ E ] and [ D ] aren't hard to do, if you already know to
do them...  :)  But I can revert it back to mapping [ LeftMouseButton
] over a clip to just do a DragClip if you want.

Anyhow, mouse cursor feedback which we had before btw could be a good option,
what about re-enabling it ?

I've never seen this support, but it sounds cool.  :)


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