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RE: [Unity-irc3] Banning from the entire network, part two

From: C.W.L. Hoogenboezem
Subject: RE: [Unity-irc3] Banning from the entire network, part two
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 08:08:09 +0200


> - add ban (different levels of power however, to give more freedom to
>   admins/opers to decide what bans to accept)
> - remove ban (again, different levels of power)
> - add short-timed emergency ban (only available to *very* trusted
>   servers/opers... of course, this will make abuse easier but it might
>   helpful). The duration of those bans should get hardcoded into the
>   server.
> - Remote kill (different levels of power, you could have guessed :))

So, if we're on the same wavelength here, I take it you want to
implement userlevels on a hard-coded basis? If so, we need to have
another 8 bits in a packet, I think. This will allow us to grant 255
different userlevels, although I'm wondering whether or not we are going
to hard-code the -rights- corresponding to these levels into the ircd.

Can you explain in a summarized style what you had in mind, Jast? :)

Best regards,
Chris Hoogenboezem

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