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[Aspell-user] aspell in Win 2000

From: Piotr Kopszak
Subject: [Aspell-user] aspell in Win 2000
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 16:49:00 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


This is  probably silly for  someone using win  2000 but I  am happily
using aspell on linux and know nothing about windows, however I wanted
to  install aspell  for a  friend of  mine who  is not  so  lucky. The
problem is  how to  change the code  page of  the dos console  and, if
possible not  change the system  locale. BAsically she needs  a German
dictionary on a Polish system. I  was looking at M$ knowledge base but
I  am  not  so  patient   to  wade  through  tons  of  rather  useless
information.  Would be very grateful  for any hints how to make aspell
work in such unfriendly environment.

   Piotr Kopszak, Ph.D.          
   Polish Art Gallery, National Museum in Warsaw    

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