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RE: [Aspell-user] newbie-how do I install the program

From: Frank Buzin
Subject: RE: [Aspell-user] newbie-how do I install the program
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 01:15:44 -0400

Hi Frank,
I'm sorry, I should have including in my notes how to get a free
(as in beer) c++ compiler. You may use Borland's BCB5.5 command
line tools. You do have to adjust the config files and run make,
but I'm sure most users will be able to handle it.
... <snip>
Extract the source files in
Edit the bc.mak file. You will need to modify the last section to
indicate where the include directory for BCB5.5 is. Change the
following line:
Change "C:\BC55\INCLUDE" to the actual include directory.
Run the make program from the bcb bin directory with command line
arguments "-f bc.mak". In my case the command is
c:\bc55\bin\make -f bc.mak
The result is diary2.exe.

Just for clarity for the true newbies (which I most certainly am when it comes to aspell), it would be a few more steps than that... For one, there are two bc.mak files to edit (assuming they actually want to build your dairy2.exe as your example shows). One in your project directory (i.e. where they extracted the source files in, and the other one in aspell-0.60.1-win32 subdirectory below that. So if they took the defaults on the borland compiler install, they would want to edit both bc.mak files and replace all occurances of 'C:\BC55' with 'C:\Borland\BCC55'. This would be 2 changes in one bc.mak and 5 in the other. Then per the borland documentation, create a iLink32.cfg file in the project directory, add the line:
to it. Next you can adjust the path to include C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin or you can create a simply batch file (place it in the project directory too) to do it on the fly and call make. Ex. create makedairy2.cmd:
@Echo off

Set BCB55BinDir=C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin

Set Path=%BCB55BinDir%;%Path%

If not exist %systemroot%\system32\cc3250.dll (
 copy %BCB55BinDir%\cc3250.dll  %systemroot%\system32\cc3250.dll

If not exist %systemroot%\system32\cc3250mt.dll (
 copy %BCB55BinDir%\cc3250mt.dll  %systemroot%\system32\cc3250mt.dll

%BCB55BinDir%\make.exe -f bc.mak


If you go this route and don't want to permanently alter your path to include C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin, the runtime libraries cc3250.dll and cc3250mt.dll from C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin will need to be put somewhere in your path (the batch file above puts them in %systemroot%\system32 if they aren't there already). Run the batch file and a few gazillion warnings later you have the binaries.

This will get you an aspell built named bc.exe, which you can copy to aspell.exe, or you can edit the mak file and replace bc.exe with aspell.exe in the two places it occurs if you have no intention of using the diary app. Aspell built this way 'appears' to work in the few few limited tests I tried it with, but this is not the manner I have been using so I may have missed someting too.. On an aside I did fire up diary2 and it worked fine up until I tried the use 'manage Word Lists' and browse for one. I may hit your sourceforge forum with that tomorrow.


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