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Re: [fluid-dev] Introductions and interest in FluidSynth

From: Bernat Arlandis i Mañó
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Introductions and interest in FluidSynth
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 11:43:05 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)

Hi. I'll talk a bit about myself, since you might not know much about me.

I live in Valencia, Spain. I'm been interested in computers and music for almost 25 years, I'm now 34 years old. I'm working right now as a web application programmer, but I've done and continue to do a lot of other things in my work or as personal projects using C, Java, PHP, Linux and always looking at other technologies. I've been always interested in audio and game programming and have looked a lot of code although I have never put my hands on any of it seriously.

In my spare time I'm a musician playing sax in a local orchestra. Recently, I took some keyboard lessons and bought a MIDI keyboard controller tu use it with FluidSynth. Soon I'll be buying an electric guitar and I hope to learn to play it a bit too. I listen rock, funky, pop, and a bit of everything, although I'm mostly a classical and brass band player.

Some years ago when FluidSynth was just starting I took a look at it but it wasn't still much usable so I started developing a really simple synthesizer just to get a feel of how things worked, nothing more. I forgot about it all until I got this keyboard recently.

I won't get into details about my current main involvement with the fluidsynth project, it's in the archive list, but it mainly came from the inability to improve fluidsynth without having to deal with a lot of internal stuff and inevitably breaking the external API. I thought I could use my expertise working with OO projects and other staff to leverage fluidsynth to another conceptual level, easier to understand and to work with, so the 2.x branch started. I explained that it is NOT a fork, and it's NOT meant to be.

Although I have to share my time with multiple activities, I became enthusiastic about definitely taking an audio open source project seriously and feel committed to do something good with it. Besides the technical work, I'd like to make new friends that share the computing and music hobbies, so relationships are important for me in the sense that I get rewarded if there's a good vibe in the team.

Bernat Arlandis i Mañó

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